Create AEM Component using Angular 2 JS
Create AEM component using Angular 2 js is one of the most awaited tutorial. This tutorials is in series with Integrate AEM with Angular 2 js, it is advised to go through it first before starting this tutorial.
In this tutorial i am going to cover how to create a component using angular2 js, also i have tried to add most of the commonly used components like text field, checkbox, combo box , text area etc.
Create rendering component using angular 2:-
Lets create a rendering component that content author will drag and drop from side kick to newly created page, Follow below steps to create a component in angular 2
- Go to /apps/angular2-demo/components/content.
- Right click and create a new component and enter below details.
- Click next and add Allowed Parent as */*parsys.
- Click next and Finish.
- Open angular2-text-component.jsp and add below code.
<%-- Angular 2 Text Component . this is demo component --%><% %><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><% %><%@page session="false" %><% %><% // TODO add you code here %> <cq:include script="/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp"/> <cq:include path="par" resourceType="foundation/components/parsys"/> <cq:includeClientLib categories="app.angular2-demo"/> <head> <title>Hello World</title> <script> System.config({ transpiler: 'typescript', typescriptOptions: { emitDecoratorMetadata: true }, packages: {'app': {defaultExtension: 'ts'}}, map: { 'app': '/apps/angular2-demo/components/content/angular2-text-component/ts' } }); System.import('app/environment_main') .then(null, console.error.bind(console)); </script> </head> <body> <my-app>Loading...</my-app> </body>
Create client lib folder for this component:-
- Select /apps/angular2-demo/components/content/angular2-text-component and create a new node with name clientlibs and type cq:ClientLibraryFolder.
- Select clientlibs folder and add categories property to it
- Name:- categories
- type:- String[]
- value:- app.angular2-demo
- Select clientlibs folder and create a new folder inside clientlibs with name angularNativeJs {you can use any name}.
- Upload angular2.js that we have downloaded in above steps in js folder. For uploading either use webdav or vault. If you are not familiar with both just create a new file with name angular2.js under js folder and copy paste the code from downloaded angular2 js file to this file.
- Repeat the above steps for es6-shim.min.js, system-polyfills.js, angular2-polyfills.js, system.js, typescript.js, Rx.js.
- Create js.txt file parallel to js folder and add below line to it.
#base=js es6-shim.min.js system-polyfills.js angular2-polyfills.js system.js typescript.js Rx.js angular2.js
Create TS folder to store TypeScript Files for this Component:-
- Select /apps/angular2-demo/components/content/angular2-text-component and create a new folder by name ts.
- Select ts folder and create a new file environment_app.component.ts and enter below code into it.
import {Component, View} from "angular2/core"; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', }) @View({ template: '<h1>Welcome to Angular 2 Demo</h1>'+ '<h1>Text ({{textValue}})</h1>'+ '<h3> Description ({{textDesc}})</h3>'+ 'Name: <input #textbox type="text" [(ngModel)]="textValue" required><br><br>'+ 'Element Type: "{{textbox.type}}"<br><br>'+ 'Address : <textarea #textarea [(ngModel)]="textDesc" rows="4"></textarea><br><br>'+ 'Element Type: "{{textarea.type}}"<br><br>'+ 'Option : <input #cb1 type="checkbox" value="one"> One <input #cb2 type="checkbox" value="two"> Two<br><br>'+ 'Element Type: "{{cb1.type}}"<br><br>'+ 'Gender : <input #rb1 name="sex" type="radio" value="M"> Male <input #rb2 name="sex" type="radio" value="F"> Female<br><br>'+ 'Element Type: "{{rb1.type}}"<br><br>' }) export class AppComponent { public textValue = "Default value"; public textDesc = "Default Description" }
- The first line will import the Component and View package from angular2/core.
- The @Component is an Angular 2 decorator that allows you to associate metadata with the component class.
- The my-app can be used as HTML tag to injecting and can be used as a component, Means my view will render the component inside<my-app> tag in my jsp or html file..
- The @view contains a template that tells Angular how to render a view.
- The export specifies that, this component will be available outside the file. We can also initialize variables default values or can modify the values by calling a method from view and returning user values from method inside export class.
Select ts folder and create a new file environment_main.ts and enter below code into it.
import {Component} from 'angular2/core'; import {bootstrap} from "angular2/platform/browser" import {AppComponent} from "./environment_app.component" bootstrap(AppComponent);
- The environment_main.ts file tells Angular how to load the component. To launch the application, we need to import both Angular’s browser bootstrap function and root component of the application.
- After importing, the bootstrap is called by passing the root component type i.e. AppComponent.
Create Template for rendering our component:-
Lets create a template which we are going to use to render our angular 2 component. Follow below steps to create Template in aem:-
- Go to /apps/angular2-demo/templates.
- Right click and create new template and enter below details.
- Enter AllowedPath as /content(/.*)?
- Click next and Finish.
- Click Save All.
Test Angular 2 AEM Component:-
Congratulations You have successfully create Angular 2 component in AEM. Click here to download code package.
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