Test Scenario : Quick Publish vs Manage Publish AEM
Replication or Publishing content from author to publish is heart of any CMS (Content Management System). In this blog I will go through couple of test scenarios to validate how quick publish and manage publish works in AEM.
Recently for one of my Asset Enterprise customer, I got a request stating how replication works in AEM (Adobe Experience Manager). As most of the customer team involved functional/ Non-Technical members, they are more interested to know how replication in AEM handles below scenarios:-
- Quick Publish/ Manage Publish Now.
- What will happen if I publish a folder containing nested folders and assets. Will CUG and permissions(rep:policy) also get published ?
- What will happen, if i publish an asset whose parent folder is not published ?
- What will happen when i publish a page, can i also publish child pages, without using tree activation ?
- Manage Publish Later.
- What will happen if i publish a folder containing nested folders and assets. Will CUG and permissions(rep:policy) also get published ?
- What will happen, when i publish an asset ?
- What will happen when i publish a page, can i also publish child pages, without using tree activation ?
I looked through all public documentation, but didn’t got any document that clarifies how replication of Assets is handled in AEM. That’s why I was forced to write this blog. So that it can help other business teams as well.
There are already lot of blogs available that talks about, how to configure replication agents and what all features it provides. So i am not going to talk about them in tis blog. If you want to know more about those please refer Adobe official documentation.
Note:- This is a functional document, mostly targeted towards business analyst perspective.
Quick Publish Test Scenario’s:-
Lets first see how it behaves for Assets:-
Test Scenario 1:- Publishing an asset whose parent folder is not published.
In author instance assume we have following folder structure. Lets see what happens, if author publish sample.pdf using quick publish.

In Publish Instance, As you can see, it has published the asset along with its folder hierarchy but not folder metadata, rep:policy or rep:cugPolicy.

Test Scenario 2:- Publishing a folder with CUG applied to it and contains assets inside it.
In author instance assume we have following folder structure. Lets see what happens, if author publish quick-publish-test folder using quick publish.

In Publish Instance, as you can see it has published only the current selected folder with its metadata, rep:policy and rep:cugPolicy, but it has not published any asset inside it. Similarly if we have nested folders it wont publish it.

Note:- Just want to add a technical point over here, whenever author publish an asset, ajax call is triggered to /bin/replicate.json with all content to be published are passed as form parameter in path variable as shown below.

Now lets see how it behaves for Sites(Pages):-
As stated above for pages quick publish will only publish current selected page along with its metadata and references. But manage publish works differently. That we will check in next test scenario.
Manage Publication Publish Now:-
Manage publication publish option works slightly different for pages. Lets check it out.
Test Scenario 1:- Created nested folder structure as shown below and published parent folder which is “Quick Publish Test”

At publish side, you can see that, only folders along with their thumbnail images and selected folder permission gets published, other assets are not published.

Lets see how manage publication publish option works for Assets publishing.
In case of manage publish now, content author has an ability to include children of current selected page and then further filter based on filtering criteria as shown below.
Manage publication publish now option works nearly
- include only immediate children – If author select this checkbox only immediate children will come, if unchecked all nested pages will be listed.
- include only modified page – If author selects this checkbox only modified pages will be listed, if uncheck all pages will be listed.
- include only already published pages – If author selects this checkbox only already published pages will be listed, if unchecked all published/unpublished pages will be listed.

After selected filtering criteria, click on Add button. It will show you list of all pages, that content author can select and publish.

Note:- Just want to add a technical point over here, whenever author publish a page a ajax call is triggered to /bin/replicate with all content to be published are passed as form parameter in path variable as shown below.

Manage Publication – Publish Later/Schedule Later: –
Lets see first how it behaves for Assets
Test Scenario 1:- Created nested folder structure as shown below and published parent folder which is “Quick Publish Test”
Author –

Publish- Selecting Manage Publications Publish Later on a folder with CUGs , publishes the subfolder and content within the subfolder (including any assets used to create the thumbnail of the selected folder), but not the metadata or CUGs (jcr:content or rep:cugPolicy) of the child folder

Lets Summarize all our findings:-
- Selecting Manage Publications on a folder with CUGs that has a parent folder with CUGs, publishes the parent folder, but not the metadata or CUGs (jcr:content or rep:cugPolicy) of the parent folder
- Selecting Manage Publications on a folder with CUGs that has a child folder with CUGs, publishes the subfolder and content within the subfolder (including any assets used to create the thumbnail of the selected folder), but not the metadata or CUGs (jcr:content or rep:cugPolicy) of the child folder
- Selecting Quick Publish on an asset, publishes the parent and ancestor folder structure but not the metadata or CUGs (jcr:content or rep:cugPolicy) of those folders, the asset and the asset metadata and renditions
- Selecting Quick Publish on an asset, publishes the parent and ancestor folder structure but not the metadata or CUGs (jcr:content or rep:cugPolicy) of those folder, the asset and the asset metadata and renditions
- Selecting Quick Publish, on a folder, publishes the folder, the folder structure of ancestor folders, but not the metadata or CUGs (jcr:content or rep:cugPolicy)
- When publishing a selected asset, Quick Publish and Manage Publication produce the same results
- When publishing a selected folder, Quick Publish ignores the contents of the folder.
- When publishing a selected folder, Manage Publications publishes the assets that make up the selected folder’s thumbnail and the folder structure leading to said thumbnail assets.
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