AEM: Best Practices for Creating a Website in CQ5
Following are the best practices, tips and tricks for creating a website in CQ5 or AEM, that can save lot of time and effort if used from scratch of project to avail full power and flexibility of Adobe Experience Manager(AEM) and Adobe Communique(CQ).
Typically we need to create a new website in cq5 or aem in below scenarios:
- There is an existing website. You want to create it in AEM or CQ5.
- You don’t have a website and you are developing one from beginning. You may have a prototype or a wire frame that helps you to understand the different element needed in the website.
Below are the best practices for creating a website in CQ5 or AEM:
- Examine all pages and begin grouping them by structure similarities. Ignore the content at this point and look at structure only.
- Sketch or white board similarities and differences.
- Identify the unique templates needs to be created.
- Catalog the required component.
- Identify inheritance between the foundation Super Types and unique template structure.
- Map the required components to out of the box components.
- Break down the page into Header, Content and Footer.
- After identifying the templates, you can begin to de-construct the page by identifying individual components that make up the page.
- The above decomposition will help us in identifying which components are reusable and which are unique.
- Once you have break down entire requirement start working on project.
Tip: Always try to keep as few templates as possible.
Learn how to create a website in CQ or AEM.
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